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Best Jobs With a BIW Course Degree

In the automobile industry, BIW stands for “Body in White”. The term is used for those cars whose body sheets are after all of its parts have been welded altogether, excluding the moving parts, for example, trims, fenders, hoods, seats, glass, and structural sub-assemblies. The BIW design industry holds the utmost importance in defining the functionality and characteristics of the vehicle. That’s why the automobile industry needs specialized knowledge to come up with creative and lightweight designs. 

As today numerous students are opting the course in automotive BIW designs, many job opportunities are available for these students to take off their careers. 

Best Job Opportunities with a BIW course degree

The BIW Design Course online is available that fully explains the skills and responsibilities a person will have to perform after completion of this course. Some of the best job opportunities available for BIW course degree holders are given below. 

  1.  Design Engineer

Automotive Design Engineers are those who analyze and improve the working components of vehicles and create innovative vehicle designs to enhance the overall performance and working of the vehicle as per the users’ needs. They also work to improve the working efficiency of the existing vehicles. They need a high level of innovativeness and creativity to make budget-friendly attractive designs. 

The salaries of an automotive design engineer range from £20,000 to £30,000 for freshers. But if a person has working expertise in this field, they can earn about £31,000 to £40,000, and in a senior position, they can earn about £60,000 which is quite impressive. 

  1. Sheet Metal Design Engineer

A sheet metal design engineer comes under the category of a mechanical engineer who offers documentation, deep instructions, and designs and receives the winning proposals to explain to others the construction of the vehicle structure and designs. They do in-depth research on vehicle designs, special features, and data manuals. The job position is ideal for those who have excellent computer knowledge and problem-solving skills. The person should be organized, collaborative, communicative, and a good decision-maker. 

The average salary of a sheet metal design engineer varies from $70,000 to $85,000. 

  1. Crash Safety Engineer

Crash safety engineers are those individuals who virtually utilize commercial software tools to examine the condition of a car and its parts in the case of a crash. They provide methods and framework designs to keep vehicles safe from crashes. 

The crash safety engineers earn about 8,50,000 to 17,00,000 INR per annum on average. 

  1. Safety CAE Engineer

The safety CAE engineers are those who evaluate the durability, noise, vibration, and roughness in the chassis system and structural components of automobiles. They analyze the vehicle model such as trimmed frames, bare frames, etc., and examine their performance. 

The safety CAE engineer can earn approximately 4,69,087 INR per annum on average. 

Wrapping Up 

The above-mentioned job opportunities have good scope both in India as well as in foreign nations. The automobile industry has a wider scope shortly as the demand for car vehicles is increasing heavily. The online BIW Course are providing excellent knowledge and helps students to enhance their careers and earn more. 

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